Clear Preconstruction Focus for Solid Direction
10027 Stratton Drive
Saint Louis, Missouri 63126-3432
Frequently Asked Questions.
Q. How much? The short answer is $80/ HR, less based on a defined scope and a duration of service greater than one day. Depending on the size and complexity of the task, we can provide a Lump Sum or "Not to Exceed" dollar amount.
Q. Who do you work for? Our clients include Owners, Municipalities, Developers, Architects, Engineers, Construction Managers, General Contractors, Sub-Contractors and Vendors.
Q. Can we count on complete confidentiality? Yes, we wouldn't continue to enjoy a solid client base without it. We uphold the ASPE canon of ethics without exception.
Q. It's Friday morning. Can I have something back first thing Monday? Maybe. We enjoy a network of other independent estimators, retirees and freelancers. If we can't get to it ourselves, we may be able to find someone who can.
Q. Can you work out of our office? Yes, is you prefer. We are more efficient in our home office, however all software and history is portable via laptop computer(s).
Q. My project is in another city. Can you handle it? Yes, although the majority of our cost history is based on St. Louis, and eastern Missouri, central and southern Illinois, labor, materials, equipment and market conditions are thoroughly researched and confirmed for your project's location.
Q. Is there anywhere you will not work? We prefer to stay within the USA's main 48 states. The exceptions are some cities or regions where extreme variations are hard to validate, like New York City.
Q. What kind of electronic files can you handle? We prefer electronic documents delivered via e-mail or CD disk. We can work with PDF, TIF, DWG or any version of AutoCAD.
Q. What estimating system(s) do you use? We are comfortable working in your office with your software whether it's MC2, Timberline, Win-Est or Excel. Most of our estimates are done in Excel and utilize R.S. Means database(s).
Q. What other software do you utilize? On-Screen for electronic takeoff, EarthWorks for earthwork cut and fill calculations and MS Project for construction scheduling.
Q. Are there any types of systems or components of the estimate that you are uncomfortable with? Depending on your needs and the level of detail and accuracy that you are looking for, we may sub out the mechanical and electrical systems to a professional MEP estimating service that we use occasionally.
Q. What else? Please give us a call or e-mail us with any questions that you may have. Someone will get back to you within 24 hours.